
Russian criminal tattoos are highly expressive and when clearly studied, can reflect much about the personality of a person. Apart from the tattoos being symbolical, the place on which it is impressed can carry a lot of meaning as well. You would be surprised to know that flaunting a false tattoo is punishable by death in the criminal underworld. Distinctive by bluish shade, the tattoo is usually blurred, because of the lack of instruments to draw fine lines. Additionally, tattoos were also used to stigmatize and penalize individuals, within the criminal society. Forehead tattoos are forced to humiliate the wearer and also caution people about him/her. In Russia, tattoos that are comprised of political or anti-authoritarian statements are tagged as 'grins' and are usually seen on the stomach region. The four suits of Russian criminal tattoo are - spades (that signify "suit of thieves"), clubs (that stands for a "criminal" suit that represents a sword), diamonds meaning (the "chummy suit" i.e. stool pigeons and informers, this suit is usually forcibly applied) and hearts indicative of a sexual symbol.

Other Symbols:
  • Cross (A cross worn on the chest signifies a "Prince of Thieves," the highest possible rank.)
  • 'Grins' (these are humorous tattoos usually incorporating a grinning face and are often accompanied by text)
  • Snakes (snakes have a particular symbolism and are usually worn by high ranking gang members)
  • Tigers (signifies an 'enforcer')
  • Cats (the cat is associated with the characteristics needed by a criminal)
  • Skulls (these are usually worn by high ranking gang members)
  • Eyes (these are forcibly placed on lower backside to show that the prisoner is used for sexual gratification)
  • Barbed wire (A barbed wire across ones forehead usually indicates a life-term in prison.)
  • Swastika (Is forcibly applied to forehead and marks one for death.)
  • Stars (Stars commonly represent time served. Each point indicates a year served in jail.)
  • Churches (Like stars, but for Christian prisoners, the number of dome towers indicate the amount of years that the prisoner has been sentenced to.)